Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Ingredients 101

We posted a lot of recipes on the blog without even considering that some of you never cooked before.

For our recipes a lot of things are needed. Many times, I got discouraged while reading through Martha Stewart recipes.....  and gave up. We really want to avoid that feeling...

In order to help you. I thought it might be good to make a list of the necessary ingredients needed to cook. I promise I will not add fancy ingredients such as 4 spices from Tahiti that I saw in Stewart recipe. By the way where to find such ingredient?!!
Here is a list of the basic ingredients you need in your food pantry. 
Flour, sugar, oil, vinegar, soy sauce, salt, pepper. It's the basic!!!
In addition, it might be good to add nutmeg, curry powder, paprika, basil, rosemary, chili powder and cayenne pepper. Finally for the ones who like baking, we need baking powder, extract of vanilla bean, corn starch.

Next time you go to the grocery shopping buy what is missing from the list, then you'll handle every recipe.

Bon Appetit !!!!!

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